Some of what I've written and/or said through the years, about mysteries and about the business of publishing and selling books:
February 2015: The Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin asked this Burning Question: "Do Bookstores Have a Future?"
October 2013: At the Heartland Fall Forum, I was part of a panel on "Handselling the Sections That Scare You," talking to an audience of (mostly) general booksellers about how to sell mysteries. Click here to see my Handout for Heartland (pdf). Out of context, without my comments and the Q&A in the room, the handout may read overly opinionated and narrow.
May 2006: Essay for the Mystery Writers of America's Edgar Week Annual
September 2005: "Eight Things Mystery Readers Say," a note for Libraries Unlimited
June 2004: Keynote address at "Of Dark and Stormy Nights"
May 1997: Emma Lathen: Right on the Money. An appreciation.
In June 2006, I launched my (occasional) blog.